"Death of the Dragonflies" is an immersive text-based adventure set in a world devastated by a mysterious pathogen. Players will guide Quick Draw and her group of orphans, The Unwanteds, through perilous encounters, intense battles, and intricate storylines. The game focuses on detailed environmental storytelling, strategic combat, and deep character development.

Explore the ruins of civilization, make critical decisions that affect the story's outcome, and forge uneasy alliances with strangers. Each choice you make will shape the destiny of Quick Draw and her companions as they search for hope in a world teetering on the brink of collapse.

Key Features:

  • Engaging Storyline: Experience a gripping narrative written in the second-person past tense, putting you directly into Quick Draw's shoes.
  • Complex Characters: Build trust and relationships with diverse characters, each with their backstory and motivations.
  • Strategic Combat: Engage in intense battles against horrific creatures, utilizing unique abilities and strategic planning.
  • Rich World-Building: Explore detailed environments with hidden secrets, graffiti, and clues to the world's past.
  • Dynamic Choices: Your decisions impact the story, leading to multiple endings and varied gameplay experiences.
  • Immersive Atmosphere: Atmospheric descriptions and sound design enhance the feeling of a world on the edge of survival.